A Yogurt For A Smile: Yogurdrinas

In Argentina, a significant proportion of the child population lives below the poverty line and thus has limited or no access to quality products from healthy categories, particularly dairy products. Danone Foundation partnered with the NGO Joven Levántate in the “Yogurdrinas" project. The objective of this project is to select Yogurdrinas who make their own yogurts for a group of selected families and children thanks to Danone yogurt base and water donation (1 pot of Danone yogurt = 7 pots of Yogurdrinas yogurt). 

Through this project, Danone Foundation is empowering the Yogurdrinas as community operators that can help foster the change in families and in children’s healthy eating and drinking habits. More than 1,300 people have been receiving yogurts as part of this project, and with the support of the Ministry of Education, 33 women received a six-month training in child care and obtained a certificate. Hundreds of people have also been participating in workshops or training on good manufacturing practices, child care and healthy eating and accessibility. 
